Highland Park, Michigan In 1910: Henry Ford revolutionizes the automobile industry by automating the manufacturing process and soon more than half of all cars in America were Fords...

"Discover The Closely Guarded Secrets Of A Real Internet Millionaire That Will Have You Quickly Automating Your Way To
Lazy And Enormous Profits!"

Strap yourself in because you're about to make Henry Ford look like a kindergartner while you automate your way to riches!

My Picture

Rolfe Green


Listen to Rolfe tell you about the importance of creating a "Plan B".

Phone Message
Best Played In Internet Explorer

Or Watch My Video Here:



"I picked up on a couple of ideas that I'd never even thought of yet putting over $1,000 extra dollars in my pocket last week!"

Click on thevideo link above

This has all of us really excited after testing it with some pretty shocking results,.. and as a matter of fact I picked up on a couple of ideas that I'd never even thought of yet putting over $1,000 extra dollars in my pocket last week! I gotta say that anyone who overlooks this is really missing the boat.

Thanks for sharing this with me buddy, but you really should be keeping this stuff to yourself! Keep up the Great work and God bless Rolfe.

From the desk of: Rolfe Green
Date:  Tuesday, January 23, 2007Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Re: Massive Wealth Automation

Dear Friend:

Albert Einstein, the famed physicist and mathematician once said of success, "You have to learn the rules of the game.  And then you have to play better than anyone else".

Einstein was spot on and his philosophy couldn't be more true than as it applies to making a fortune online.

You need to understand the rules of the game...

And you definitely need to play better than anyone else...

Imagine for a moment if you will:

Making obscene amounts of money with little or no effort on your part.

Ripping your competitors to shreds with automated tools that they couldn't find in a hundred years.

Doing whatever you want every single day because once you've set up your own system you'll only need to put in about 15 minutes of "work" to maintain your ridiculous cash flow.

Think this is this just some kind of online fairy tale?  Think again my friend...  

$3198.50 in 2 days!

"I tested Rolfe’s Auto Millions system out. I did exactly what his system says and in 2 days I made $3198.50.

If you're looking for a practical way to make money online than I highly suggest you join Automated Millions."

Charles Ryder


"This Is Like No Other Letter You'll Read This Year, And Perhaps For A Long Time To Come."



My name is Rolfe Green.

If you're interested in finally making more than you ever imagined possible...and doing so in a way that allows you to spend every day like it's a vacation...

Then this letter could be one of the most valuable pieces of information you've laid your eyes on in years.

And if you've struggled to put together the pieces to this online profit puzzle you'll be awestruck at how simple it really can be.

 "Who In The Heck Is Rolfe Green And Why Should You Listen To Me?"   

I started my online business several years ago (decades in Internet years:) and at first I stumbled, tripped over myself, and failed miserably...

Friends and family ridiculed me for trying to strike it rich on the Internet.  "It's all scams and garbage", they said.

"Get a job", they said, "you'll never amount to anything with these get rich quick schemes."

Call it blind faith or youthful determination but I refused to listen to them and I knew deep inside that I was going to become wealthy online.

My path to riches saw me buying every Internet business product on the market.  

Most were not even close to what I had hoped...in truth the sales pitch was often the best part of the products.

But I did find the occasional nugget of gold.

And eventually I started having small amounts of success.

One day after a conversation with friends, I began to rethink my business.  No, they weren't talking me out of it...

Rather, I became even more determined to succeed online!

And succeed I did...

I used my smaller successes, took what was 'right' about those campaigns, and began to build my own proprietary system for creating incredible wealth online.

It took me a couple of years of testing, tweaking, and refining...but the end result was that I literally struck it rich.

A millionaire...in my 20's no less.  Needless to say friends and family have all changed their tune about what I do online:)

Now I know there are a ton of marketers online that claim to be experts and claim to have made their fortunes on the Internet.

Many of them aren't being all that truthful and they're what I call, "False Profits"...pun intended.

So...to give you just a hint of the kinds of money I've earned with this system -

 "Here's A Peak At My Daily Profits Using My Automated Millions System..."


I Rolfe Green confirm that the above statements are 100% correct and valid. I have not edited these prices in any way. These results are not typical and your results may vary. You can make more or less.

By the way...this isn't a "Rolfe Green pat on the back"...this is just to give you some insight to who you're working with.

Because I've taken this EXACT system and packaged it for you to earn the same kinds of staggering profits.

"Janice Thought It Was Illegal:)"

After I found my way to online riches a friend came to me with a request.

He was hurting in a big way and trying to support himself and his wife Janice.  He pleaded with me to teach him how I do it.

And...of course I did.

He followed the system, just as I had laid it out for him, and quickly began to make staggering amounts of money.

So much so that his wife Janice thought he was up to something illegal.  I mean...he went from broke to more cash than he knew what to do with, almost overnight.

After seeing him duplicate my results I got to thinking...

I remember the despair of trying to eek out a living.  I remember the daily struggle of trying to figure out how to put food in the table...

And that's not even accounting for paying bills...

Well, I decided to share my system with a very small group or marketers like you. 

But it needed to be the most Earth shattering profit system on the planet.

I decided to take what was great and make it even better...near foolproof...I truly set out to stack the deck and create a "ringer".

"...he went from broke to more cash than he knew what to do with, almost overnight."

The system needed to be:

Super easy to learn - It needed to be so easy to learn that you could pick up the ball and run with it no matter your Internet experience level!

Even easier to replicate - It needed to be easily replicated so you could start raking in enormous profits...and quickly!

Hands free and automated - It needed to be hands free and automated so you could treat every day like a vacation, making more money than you ever thought possible...while working barely at all!

And that's EXACTLY what I did with...

"Automated Millions!"

"Your system is perfect for anyone looking to make money online with their own business."

Hi Rolfe,

I have to say thanks for giving me something more than just an eBook. I love your videos, they are so much better than reading an eBook :)
Your system is perfect for anyone looking to make money online with their own business. It is not a get rich quick scam, it teaches you to build a solid foundation and grow your business from day 1.
I have been using your techniques for a while now and have seen a significant increase in my optin email list and affiliate sales.
 Costa Dedes

Automated Millions is the lightning fast success system that you can begin applying today.

It is hands off, totally automated, and you'll be lazily profiting with it almost immediately!


"Automated Millions Is So Much More!"

Automated Millions is more than just automated success tools.  It's a full on system you'll use to completely dominate your markets and profit nearly at will.

Here's a sneak peak of what you'll receive: 

  Automated Millions Video & Audio Guides 

The Automated Millions Video & Audio Guides are your GPS system to get you to incredible profits the fastest way possible...and taking the shortest route!

With these guides you'll watch and listen as I go through every single step of the success system.  Nothing has been left out and I explain every component of the system so you can easily replicate it for yourself. 

It's as if I'm in your home office with you, guiding you every single step of the way, in person.  With these tutorials in your arsenal you'll quickly and easily master the system...and if you ever need a refresher, refer back to them any time.

Oh...and in case you're thinking, "Oh no...long boring tutorials in which Rolfe theorizes about this and hypothesizes about that".  No worries...these tutorials are to the point....giving you only the info you need, so you can quickly begin profiting like crazy.


  Build A Monster List eBook

Building a list is critical for your long term and massive success.  And while many people have no problem telling you that...

Most will never tell you how to do it.  It's like getting the potatoes without the gravy.

The Build A Monster List eBook gives you ALL the information that you need to begin building your own gigantic and ultra-responsive list.

You'll discover how to create the list, and then how to manage it so that you'll maintain a hyper responsive group of happy long term customers.

Here's a peak at what you'll get:

The Cardinal Rule - Discover the number 1 rule that many Internet Marketers fail to apply, and you'll learn why this will cost them their list and their profits.

The Teacher Learns From The Students - Uncover the easiest way to give your list of customers everything that they want.  By applying this technique you'll be stunned at their responsiveness and the incredible profits they send your way!

The 4 Keys - Learn the 4 key components that successful marketers ALWAYS apply to keep their lists profitable.  Miss any of these and it could spell disaster!

The One Question - Discover the one question you must ALWAYS ask yourself as you begin growing your list.  By knowing this question and the answer you'll be shocked by how quickly your list will explode!

And much much more!


  The Internet Millionaire's Guide eBook

Learning to become insanely profitable online is often met with frustration because it seems like no one is shedding light on the real questions...

The questions whose answers will make you a profit powerhouse in your own right.

That's why I break all the rules and I break the silence for you, with real answers to the crucial questions.

These answers may shock you and they go right for the jugular...but they'll explode your profits, so look out and put your banker on notice!

Here's a peak at what you'll discover:

How To Drive Ludicrous Amounts Of Traffic - It doesn't matter what you sell online...no traffic equates to no sales and no money.  You'll discover the EXACT techniques I use to send flood of traffic that often overload my own servers!

The List Mistake - This drives me insane!  Too many marketers will tell you to do this with your list and it couldn't be farther from the truth.  You'll get the real details on how to manage this issue so you can maintain sustained long term growth and profits!

The Affiliate Fire - Ever wondered how to light a real fire under your affiliates so they'll go out an send hordes of traffic and sales to your site?  Once you've read this you won't believe how simple it really is to get them motivated and making you incredibly wealthy!

The JV Secrets - Discover exactly how to go from no JV's to saying "no" to more JV's because you have more than you need for your campaign.  With these strategies in your arsenal you'll soon have people contacting you to sell your products!

And much much more!


This is the EXACT same system and information that I have personally used to make millions online.


You will get the answers you need in order to replicate my success and start yourself on the path to your very own Automated Millions.

"...this is a hard boiled, systematic, built with military style precision success system, that will have you lazily profiting at will."

There is no fluff or theories here.  This isn't generalities and vagaries. 


No...this is a hard boiled, systematic, built with military style precision success system, that will have you lazily profiting at will.

Once you have these incredible techniques and strategies in your arsenal you will become an unstoppable profit powerhouse!!!


"It's never been easier to profit online"

Hi Rolfe! Sebastian Foss here. I highly recommend your Automated Millions System to all of my customers and to anyone out there who wants to make easy money online - I'm sure you will love Rolfe's System - it's never been easier to profit online with all the training, sources and automated setup you are getting!

Get in now - You can't loose!



Sebastian Foss


"OK Rolfe, So How Much?"


I can almost hear you asking how much of an investment this will be...


First I need to mention something.  This is NOT for someone that likes working hard for their money...


This isn't for someone that doesn't want to become an automated profit powerhouse.


This system was built with military precision for the kinds of marketers that are ready for this unadulterated power...and money!


So, if that's you...then let's get down to business.  Automated Millions comes with everything mentioned above...


It includes the Automated Millions Video Guides, the Automated Millions Video Guides, the Monster List eBook, and of course...The Internet Millionaire's Guide eBook.


This information made me a millionaire in my 20's.  It CAN do the same for you.


For this kind of information I could easily charge a thousand dollars.  I could charge more..and get it.


But I won't be doing that...I won't even ask for a couple hundred dollars.  


I remember so well what it was like to be teased by my family and friends...to be struggling to make a go of this.


So...I want to help you...and I know I can't do that by asking you to invest thousands...


If you act today, right now, you can become one of my exclusive Platinum members for the incredibly low investment of only $67.


That's one-time!  Not even monthly!  Just 1 very low investment of $67.


With the incredible system at your disposal you'll easily recoup that cost and much much more in not time at all!

While this is an absolute bargain already, if you're one of the first 200 members to join you will also receive these incredible thank you gifts...


"Thank You Gifts For The First 200 Automated Millions Members!"



  Plug And Play Automated Profit Site (Value $299)

For the first 200 new members of Automated Millions I'm going to make your life so easy it's ridiculous.

When you invest in Automated Millions today you'll also receive your very own profit pulling automated web site for FREE.

It took me years to get this right...and now you'll be the beneficiary of all my years of testing and tweaking, as these sites are primed and perfected for maximum profits with minimal efforts.

Here's a peak at what you'll get:

Professionally Created Web Site - It took me two years to perfect the style of site that I used to make my millions.  Now you'll get your very own site, using the exact same principles so you can start making yours!

Professionally Crafted Sales Letter - A pro copywriter is worth their weight in gold and costs about that much to hire.  I've had a top copywriter craft a sales letter that will convert like crazy for you so you don't have to!

Years Of Research - So much time, money, and effort went into perfecting these sites and you don't need to worry about any of it.  Your responsibilities include figuring out what to do with your newfound wealth...and what to do with all your free time!


  Surprise Bonuses (Value $Unknown)

If you're one of the first 200 smart marketers to take action you'll also receive 2 surprise bonuses.

They are a surprise so I can't give away too much detail but let's just say that the net result of these 2 gifts is:


You've got to be one of the first 200 to find out more!.


"Automate Yourself To Incredible Online Riches


Starting Right Now!"


So, this is where the rubber meets the road...let's be frank with one another...


This program isn't for everybody.  It's for the smart marketers that are ready to take their lives and business to a whole new level.


A level that most people don't even know exists!


It's for marketers that recognize the truly amazing value being offered here today.  And if that's you...


Then my hat's off to you for being an intelligent marketer.


If that's not you, then what is going to be different about tomorrow? 


I'll tell you what.  Nothing.  Tomorrow is going to be like today, and like the day before that.


You'll be wondering how all these folks keep passing you by.  Don't let that happen.  Take action today and grab a-hold of that success which is truly yours!


You're about to:


Make obscene amounts of money

Rip your competitors to shreds

Do whatever you want every single day

But you have absolutely got to act right this very instant.  There area limited number of spots open for this site, out of respect for the members and their well deserved unfair advantage.

You're getting everything mentioned above...

The Automated Millions Video & Audio, The Monster List eBook, The Internet Millionaires Guide eBook...

All for the incredibly low one time investment of only $67.

Some folks have asked me if they need anything in addition to this system to make their own automated millions.

You'll only need...

A friendly banker - You don’t want to be questioned suspiciously when you start withdrawing exponentially more cash than you have ever had in your bank account before you got your Automated Millions.

15 minutes or less a day – Once your system is in place, there is really not much for you to do except sit back and finally enjoy the Good Life.

3 more minutes  - It only takes about three minutes to place your order. I’ll send your materials to you the instant your order is placed so you can get started right away.

And don't forget that the first 200 new members will receive the incredible Thank You Plug and Play Profit Pulling Web Site and sales copy worth $299...and the 2 surprise gifts also!

To secure your place you need to act fast...tens of thousands of eyes are on this page as we speak...these spots will definitely go quickly.

Join today and be fast on your way to Internet Millionaire!


And I stand by my system and that’s why I offer a:

I am so confident in this system and so sure you will be 100% satisfied that I offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. *Try Automated Millions and if you don’t start making REAL money with very little effort as I have described in this letter, I’ll send you a 100% refund. You have nothing to lose and thousands of dollars per month to gain!


Here's To Your Massive Success,

PS - Your opportunity is incredibly limited.  I don't fake scarcity to increase sales.  The value of Automated Millions makes for an incredibly unfair advantage for my members.  I will maintain that value by severely limiting the membership.  You must act immediately

PPS - The Thank You Gifts will only be offered to the first 200 smart marketers that take advantage of this incredible offer.  If you take fast action then you'll get two plus years of my blood sweat and tears which you can turn around and nearly instantly profit from.  BUT...this is only available to the first 200 so you best act quickly!

PPPS - Using this EXACT system I became a millionaire in my 20's.  Now you have the opportunity to make as much, if not more, than I do.  But the opportunity is limited.  Once I reach capacity I will respect my members' unfair advantage by closing the door to new members for good.  Do not miss this chance to grab the absolute upper hand.  Join now and be on your way to the life you've always dreamed! 

YES, Rolfe!  I Can't Wait To Become An Automated Millionaire Like You And I'm Soooo Ready To Take You Up On Your Fantastic Offer! 
I understand that by clicking the order link below I will become an unstoppable force, and I will have the most powerful automated profit system on the Earth at my fingertips.
I also understand that as a 'Platinum Automated Millions' member I will get:
The Automated Millions Video Guide - This video isn't some long dronefest in which you wax philosophic about theories and hypothesis.  This is a step by step guide to understanding the Automated Millions system!
Automated Millions Audio Guide - You're not going to bore me to tears with pitchfests and fluff...in this audio you'll answer every question for starting me on my own Automated Millions.
The Build A Monster List eBook - A list is like gold and you know what they say...The Money Is In The List...with this eBook you'll provide all your diabolical techniques for building a massive and ravenous list of buyers that I can profit from at will!
The Internet Millionaires Guide eBook - In this eBook you'll answer all the questions I have about bringing in non-stop traffic, generating incredible sales, and easily surpassing $20,000 a month online!
The Thank You Gifts - If I am one of the first 200 that respond to this incredible offer I will also received a professionally created plug and profit web site, valued at $299 by itself, and a professionally crafted sales letter which I can use to turn around insanely quick profits!
And let's not forget the 2 surprise bonuses I'll be getting...hmm, traffic?  I can't wait to see what they are!
I'll get immediate access to all of this incredibly valuable information and Rolfe, you're giving it to me for almost a steal, at only $67.  I know this information cannot be found anywhere else and so...
Rolfe...I must say, "Yes" to this incredible offer and I am clicking the Order Link below immediately.
I realize that this invitation is only good while member positions are still open, and that I could already be too late so I must act quickly.
I am entering my credit card information into your secure order system now to secure my spot and make my own Automated Millions!

To Take Advantage Of This Incredible Offer Click The 128 Bit encrypted, Secure Order Link Above...


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John 3:16 TBN

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